Thursday, July 2, 2020

Dr. Winge's 'Most Dangerous' Smiles For 2020!

All of These Women

have the

Most Beautiful Smiles

But They also

have the

'Most Dangerous' Smiles...for 2020!

They are  'Disruptors' and Trend-Makers,

no matter what others

say and do!

And you never know how they

are going to

'Knock it Out The Park!'...Again!

For 2020...

... they are...


Julia Roberts,

Naomi Campbell,

Aishwarya Rai,

Taraji Henson

Kim Kardashian West,

Lucy Liu,

Nikki Minaj,

Kendall Jenner,

Michelle Obama,

Kamala Harris

and Last

but certainly 

not the least...

...Her Majesty,

Queen Elizabeth of England!

...Everyone out here!...

...Exercise Extreme Caution 

around them!...

...And sometimes...

...Get out of the way!...

...As these Potent, Mega Esthetic Outliers

keep Blazing Those Histories!


Believe Me

When they say...

Watch Out!"

"Hello World!...I'm 

Hollywood Dentist 

Ralph Winge, D.D.S.,

and all of the Ladies on


2020 'Most Dangerous Smile' List,

of course,

need no Introduction, and are my

Favorite 'Action Sheroes!'"

For all Photos and Gifs seen here, no copyright infringement is intended.

Dr. Winge's 'Most Dangerous Ladies' Smiles... With...Winge's Peaks...For 2025...Are...

  Ladies and Gentlemen... These World Leading Ladies... ...who have Mid-upper-Lip Winge's Peaks... ... elatus labialis wingeulus... ...a...